Showcase your cherished memories in a modern and stylish way with our "Squared Collage" 8.5x11 photo wall calendar. This contemporary design features a grid of squares, allowing you to create a stunning collage of photos for each month. Personalize special dates with additional photos, text, and embellishments for a truly handcrafted feel. Printed on premium paper stock and spiral-bound for convenience, this calendar is a beautiful way to keep track of time while displaying your favorite moments. Ideal for families and friends, the "Squared Collage" wall calendar brings a touch of elegance to your memories.
print page name : squared-collage
print page url : /p/calendar/wall-calendars/family-friends/squared-collage
dcr path:
isFooterOff : true
isFooterOff1 : false
isItAmazonCobrand : false