Meet the people behind the photo goodies that fill your life with smiles. We are passionate about fun, creative ways to make your one-of-a-kind photography shine. You love photos, we love photos, so let’s talk shop!
Name: Nastassya
Title: Worldwide Contact Center Manager
Mission in one sentence: Provide our customers with the BEST possible support.
Years at Snapfish: Almost my one year anniversary!
Q: In a few words, how do you feel when you see your photos in print?
A: Can’t wait to share!
Q: How many photos are on your camera roll right now?
A: 2,164
Q: Which photographer inspires you and why?
A: My brother – he loves taking photos with interesting lighting. We have a huge love of the outdoors and I think his sunset photos are always breathtaking.
Q: What is one thing about you that your coworkers don’t know?
A: I represented my hometown in the Miss California pageant for the 2011 title. It was very random – I had never participated in a pageant before (and haven’t since!) but it was so much fun.
Q: What is your favorite thing/person/place to photograph?
A: I love, love, LOVE nature. I always notice its beauty, whether it’s a sunny day on the water or a cloudy day up on a mountain. That’s why I love nature photography – it looks so peaceful, and I feel instantly relaxed.
Q: What is one insider Snapfish creation tip you swear by?
A: The Best Fit print feature always comes in handy for me. Sometimes I’m not sure what size my prints should be, so I always urge customers to review their cropping! The Best Fit feature guides me to the appropriate print size, and they turn out great every time.
Q: Instagram or Twitter?
A: Twitter!
Q: What Snapfish photo gift would you give and why?
A: I would definitely give a canvas – they look so beautiful hanging on any wall at home, and – a plus! – you can personalize a wonderful memory for someone.
Q: What new Snapfish product/feature are you most excited about?
A: I love when we release designs for upcoming holidays. Mother’s Day is around the corner, and it’s so fun to get a sneak peek at the new cards and pick out which ones to make.
Q: Why will printed photos never go out of style?
A: There’s nothing like having a physical print in your hand that you can pass down from generation to generation. I often look at the black and white photos of my grandparents, cherishing these glimpses into the past that I would have never known about otherwise. I definitely plan to print all my photos to pass on to my future family.